Join the Broken Nature Public Symposium live-stream from circa 11:15 AM on YouTube to learn more about our project Italian Tropics / Fiore di Loto.
On the occasion of the opening of the XXII Triennale, Broken Nature: Design Takes on Human Survival, La Triennale di Milano will host the third Broken Nature symposium. This will be an opportunity to celebrate the protagonists of the exhibition—in the galleries, online, the book and beyond—and to delve deeper into the projects and ideas that have inspired our research in the past months. With a rich program of individual presentations, panel discussions and video contributions, this symposium will cover topics as diverse as human and non-human migration flows; the capacity of good information design to make the invisible visible; and the importance of untangling the threads that connect our singular and highly specific experiences to the complex macro-systems that make up the world’s tapestry.
Friday, March 1, 2019
Teatro dell’Arte, La Triennale di Milano
Viale Emilio Alemagna, 6, 20121 Milano
Visual & Text – Broken Nature